Sometimes only pose an aesthetic problem and others cause real pain in the legs. Be that as it may, the appearance of varicose veins results in a chronic vein problem that, despite having a benign character, must be monitored. In addition, there are easy guidelines to reduce them.
What are varicose veins?
They constitute the most frequent vascular (blood circulation) disease. It is an abnormal dilation of the veins, usually those of the legs (but can affect other areas), due to the excessive accumulation of blood inside.
The cause is a weakness of the walls of the veins and the valves responsible for the passage of blood through the bloodstream.
Although they are more associated with mature women, varicose veins can also be seen in men, increasing their frequency with age due to the aging process.
How can they affect?
They do not usually cause serious problems, unless they are extreme cases with the appearance of numerous varicose veins and large. But the discomfort can be quite disabling, causing the person to see his quality of life diminished by the pain and the feeling of heaviness, mainly.
If they become complicated, dermatitis-like skin, ulcerations and even blood clots may appear that will require specific medical treatment.
How can they be prevented?
How are varicose veins treated?
They do not require complicated therapies but easily solve by Endovenous Laser Therapy. In fact, it is usually enough to change the habits of life to relieve discomfort, prevent possible complications and improve their physical appearance.
Medical treatments for varicose veins
There are medical procedures that eliminate varicose veins or block them so they do not progress. Each case must be studied individually to determine which technique is the most appropriate. The most common are:
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